宁波奥德机械有限公司从事温度控制系统工程已有10多年经验,专业生产模温机,水温机系列,油温机,油加热器,压铸模温机,速冷速热模温机,高光注塑模温机,高光成型专用模具控温,高光蒸气注塑控制器,高光无夹线无痕注塑技术,高光无熔痕注塑模具温度控制系统及成套工艺模具技术,高光蒸气无痕注塑系统,高光模具的注塑成型技术,高光塑料模具温度控制,高光注塑模温机,高光模温机,速冷速热模温机,速冷速热高光模温机,急冷急热模温机,高光蒸气注塑,高光蒸气注塑工艺,高光蒸气注塑控制器 ,高光无夹线无痕注塑技术,高光无熔痕注塑模具温度控制系统及成套工艺模具技术,橡胶机械控温机,冷冻机,镁铝合金压铸模温机等加热控温设备。也是大型油加热控温机油加热器专业制造厂家,并与德国、法国专业厂商进行技术合作,生产大型温控系统,获得极高的专业评价。我们致力于温度控制设备的技术改造、研发和创新,在塑胶成型、汽车橡胶轮胎、电脑接插件、光学镜片、镁合金制造、PVC片材、纺织印染、印刷等行业得到广泛的使用。 我公司积极推行ISO国际质量认证体系,依靠合资企业的现代化管理经验,先进的生产技术和优化的人力资源,努力打造最高品质的温度控制设备,并以适中的价位,完善的服务为客户创造价值。
Aode machinery NingBo CO.LTD is engaged in the system engineering of temperature control equipment for the product development, design, production, marketing, integrated services in high-technology enterprises. Early foreign tradestate-owned enterprises in the designmanufacture of large-based temperature control system,and carry on technological cooperation with Gemany; France;Japanese professional manufacturer,OEM large-scale temperature-controlled system. get extremely high professional evaluation . we are devoted to the technological transformation of the temperature control equipment. continuous innovation, extensively use connect a slice of material of making. Computer of plug-in package, optics lens, magnessium alloy in plastic shaping,automobile rubber type, PVC material, textile priningdyeing, trade of printing etc. The professionalism obtains in the profession the consistent approval.
Our company achere ISO international quality certification system actively, depend on the modernized experience of management of the joint venture, advanced production technologyhuman human resources of optimization, make great efforts to make the temperature control equipment of supreme quality,with the moderate price, the perfect serviee creales value for customer.
Aode machinery Suzhou CO.LTD adheres to the enterprise ideas of "innovation, quality, sincerity",asks innovation with sciencetechnology, develop through quality, achieve brands with sincerity, Sincere hopefrends from all walks of life cooperate, send the exhibition altogether. |